Ultra Wide Band Direct Chaotic Transceivers for Wireless Body Area Networks
Kotelnikov IRE RAS, Russia
Contemporary idea of public health care is based on servicing people in the net of clinics and hospitals. This idea proved good in XXth century, but now it doesn't answer modern needs and is be revised. One of the most important directions of changing approach to health care is monitoring physiology, physical activity and illness by a person itself. Rapid development of electronics, personal communications, computer science, passive detectors of physiological parameters, and active means of self-treatment adds to this approach and shifts the focus of health care to the man and to monitoring his state by himself. In this context, wireless networks of sensors placed in, on and around the human body to observe its state, have great potential for future treatment technologies. BANs support a vast field of medicine and consumer electronics applications. For example, BANs allow long-time remote monitoring of patient's health without restricting his normal activities. Research in the field of BANs began in 1960s. However, only since the beginning of 2000s BANs are being implemented in medical practice with the appearance and massive use of personal communications. In the report, requirements for wireless communication devices for WBANs are discussed. Ultra wide band direct chaotic transceivers are described and prospects of their use in wireless sensor networks of the new standard IEEE 802.15.6 (WBAN) are analyzed.